After being drained in Season 6, he loses his Lilith powers. A God Am I: After drinking the real vial of Lilith's blood, which makes him more-or-less all-powerful.Though he does have moments where he slips into Faux Affably Evil. When he descends into religious fervor and becomes the Big Bad of Season 5, he's remarkably affable even as he commits atrocities. Affably Evil: Interestingly, he's rather cold during his first few appearances before becoming more of a charmer.Jessica even compared Bill's behavior to the way her human family acted towards her when she was growing up. It got worse in season 5 when Bill converted to the Sanguinistas, forced Jessica to relocate to the Authority with plans to convert her as well, bullied her into almost turning Jason into a vampire against his will, and straight up hit her when she stood up to him.

Even after this, he still kept secrets from her (several of which almost put her at risk), he dragged her into dangerous situations (which almost resulted in Jessica being killed on several occasions), and he barely had any idea what Jessica's emotional well-being was or what was going on in her life unless she spelled it out for him. It gets bad enough that when Bill decided to release her, Jessica had to beg him to be a proper maker to her.
Bill for the most part treated Jessica like she was a burden, and never truly taught her how to control herself or feed on a human safely (which results in Jessica accidentally killing a trucker driver in season 2). Initially, Bill resented having to make Jessica into a vampire because he was being punished for killing Longshadow, and he abandoned Jessica at Fangtasia for 2 weeks before Eric returned Jessica and told Bill to do his job as a maker.

"Vampires have often found it advantageous to maintain a hidden presence in humanity's most powerful institutions and in the 1600's, that was the Catholic Church and today, as you all know, it's Google and Fox News."Ī vampire romantically involved with Sookie.