Example of mobs in Shadowfang Keep: Speedrunning Shadowfang film by Mike Schramm. Ĭontinent: Eastern Kingdoms, Map of Shadowfang Keep in Silverpine Forest (SK entrance in Silverpine = 44.8,67.9), location of stables in Shadowfang Keep.

Follow the Dead Scar to Deatholme and go directly south of the entrance to the base of a chain cauldron's stairs." quote Vashar. If you want to solo this you are going to have to wait until you are high enough to fight groups of elites.Ĭontinent: Eastern Kingdoms, Map Deatholme in Ghostlands, "Pick this insignia up at 34.9, 81.9 by searching the corpse of Blood Knight Dawnstar, in Deatholme in Ghostlands. The fastest way to complete this quest is to get a group of friends. #4 - Corrupted Kor Gem - Looted from the female naga in the caves on the way to Blackfathom Deeps. #3 - Crate of Bloodforged Ingots - In Shadowfang Keep in the stables. He hits hard and you must kill him to loot the blood. After you open the orb a 20 elite Demon will spawn. The Orb is located in the back near the two named mobs. #2 - Blood of the Wrathful : In Ragefire Chasm which is in the Clef of Shadows in Orgrimmar. (near the central building.) The body of the bloodelf is located to the right of the steps leading up to the cauldron. Locate the cauldron to your left as you enter. Comment by 46883#1 - Blood Knight Insignia : In Deathlome.